Saturday, June 9, 2012

So as you may know, this Saturday I'll be going off to volunteer in Russia for 6 weeks because apparently I really enjoy putting myself in potentially terrifying situations and... you know... to make the world a better place. This is where you'll find any updates for those of you who want to know about my ridiculous adventures since a call to the US costs $3/minute at MINIMUM from my phone and, if the internet there is anything like it was in Africa, I'll have to do some kind of ceremonial dance to the internet gods or something equally intensive to get an internet connection lasting more than 10 minutes so I won't be able to email everyone individually (and a group email won't have festive nesting dolls in the background, so obviously it's not worth sending). Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. We're excited that you are going to keep us posted. Good luck.
