Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Day of a Thousand Tears

Friday was the saddest day of my life. I can’t even blog about it without bursting into tears. We left babies. I have a heart of stone and it actually transformed me. I can now make myself cry by just thinking about walking down the stairs and out of the room for the last time. I can’t even write something funny about it because it was just too painful. I left my heart at that orphanage.

HOWEVER the rest of the day was another story. Before going to babies, we gave Vovchik the best gift one could get: a crynapple. What is a crynapple, you ask? It is obviously a crying pineapple. Obviously. Vovchik always wore a shirt covered in pineapples which gave us the impression that he must be obsessed with them (not that he’s just wearing the same shirt all the time like the rest of the Russian population). So, we bought a pineapple and covered it in pompoms, beads, a layer of glitter, and googly eyes. His genuine excitement and awe at the crynapple was a true testament to how much Vovchik loved us. Or that he needed a good psychiatrist. He strapped it into the passenger seat and when Natalya arrived, made her climb OVER the crynapple that she looked at in horror and into the middle seat. 

Vovchik strapping in his crynapple for safe travels

On the way back from babies Vovchik stupidly agreed to subject himself to spending more time with the weeping Americans by taking us to the Locomotive’s store where we bought scarves to dry our tears. When we got home we sulked around and ate a weepy last lunch with Lena where she fed us all of our favorite things because she hates us and wanted us to never stop crying.

Then was feedback. Feedback is probably something you know nothing about because it’s the biggest waste of our time of every week and mostly only served to shorten our time at babies on Fridays. Except the week you leave. Then feedback is where Nataliya asks you questions that rip your heart into little pieces and then you cry the ugly cry (you know the one. Shaking. Moaning. The inability to breathe. All the mucus. The one that makes all the boys like you). We wept so much that the translators couldn’t even look at us. Natasha was crying the ugly cry right along with us... which I have to admit was kind of a shocker. Then, naturally, we decided it was the PERFECT time to take pictures with everyone because we all looked fabulous.

The night ended with one final game of slapjack with Victor. He only cheated a handful of times, too! It was a small miracle. Even with our referees. Then we went across the street to the basement to say goodbye to our favorite place and have a drink before Galina locked the doors with her bigass skeleton key.  

Thank god my computer’s covered from water damage. That blog was rough. Sorry for the lack of details. ONE RUSSIA BLOG TO GO!!!! You’re doing so well, team.

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